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Plants for your
office or business.

Now that we are over the worst of covid, with employees returning to their place of work and customers returning to shops, why not introduce the idea of houseplants and foliage as a decor option? Boost everyone's mental health and well-being with some gorgeous houseplants bespoke to your workplace. 

One of the most obvious benefits of office plants is that they look good, adding points of visual interest. Working in a visually stimulating environment, rather than a sparse one, will not only help employees increase creativity but also increase those important sales.


We hate being one of those sites that don't give a price. However each office, site and business has different light levels, warmth and humidity.. just a few elements that determine what houseplant can flourish best! Contact us today to arrange a meeting and find your perfect plants.


We can: 

- Supply only the best houseplants to invigorate your space.


- Supply the plants perfect for your space plus maintain these on a regular basis, so you don't have to.


Contact us for a visit to your establishment so we can give you the best advice and help going forward to make your office the most appealing for employees, visitors and customers.

Send us a message and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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